This was the Title of the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter the day after of the Swedish elections. This time something special has happen with the entrance in the Riksdag (Swedish Parliament) of the Sverigedemocraterna (SD), but also the win of the conservative coalition has made evidence the end of the socialdemocratic Era.
The consecutive victory of the coalition has been produced because of the suitable management of the Swedish welfare state that the conservatives have done. But this time the coalition has not got the luck of 2006 when she got the majority in the Parliament. This time she has come across with the issue that she does not control the majority of the seats, with the need to find some partner to make government, and if you join it with the fact that SD has got 20 seats turning them as the one who has the key of the government, you realise that there is an important problem in Riksdag.
Now is the time that the left coalition, and to be more precisely the Socialdemocratic Party, accept that he has not won the elections. During these lasts decades socialdemocatics have been building the Swedish welfare state, and they have done a very good work, and they have to keep working for it, so now is the time when conservatives and socialdemocratics have to form government to minimize the power of the SD in the Riksdag, and after it, they also have to wonder what have produced the rising of SD, perhaps it means that they have to make some changes.
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