dijous, 23 de desembre del 2010

Nou curs escolar 2018-2019

En Martí, que avui és el seu aniversari i fa 10 anys, s’aixeca del llit sabent que després d’uns mesos de vacances es tornarà a trobar amb els seus amics de l’escola, ja que avui torna al col·legi a començar el nou curs escolar 2018-2019.

Després d’arribar a l’escola i saludar tots els seus amics i companys, els professors els reparteixen en diferents classes, com es fa cada any al principi del curs escolar. En Martí sempre es pregunta quins companys l’acompanyaran a classe, si hi haurà els seus amics o bé només els podrà veure a l’hora del pati.

Un cop tots els alumnes son distribuïts entre les 3 aules de 4rt de primària, ell veu que ha tingut bastanta sort ja que molts dels seus millors amics estan amb ell, a la mateixa classe, de fet s’adona que cada any l’acompanya la mateixa gent.

En Martí està content perquè en Pol, un dels seus millors amics, s’asseu al seu costat a classe, tot hi que per altra banda no entén perquè en Marcos, un dels seus millors amics des de la guarderia, mai ha pogut compartir classe amb ell, en els quatre anys que fa que han començat l’escola mai han pogut anar junts.

Quan en Martí arriba a casa, el seu pare li pregunta com ha anat el primer dia, ell molt content explica que s’ha trobat totes els seus amics i amigues i que s’han explicat que han fet a l’estiu, i també li explica que, un altre any, no li ha tocat anar a la mateixa classe que en Marcos, i li demana al seu pare, que es amic del director, que li demani a l’escola si l’any que ve els poden posar junts.

El seu pare no contesta, sap que el seu fill mai anirà a classe amb en Marcos, i és que els pares d’en Marcos van decidir que el seu fill havia de rebre una educació en castellà.

dimarts, 14 de desembre del 2010

Qatar Fundation

Properament veurem com el frontal de la samarreta del Barça deixa de lluir Unicef, per una altra fundació, Qatar Fundation. Aquest article no pretén ser una crítica a la Directiva, ni molt menys, sinó una opinió sobre aquest fet, el qual marcarà un abans i un desprès.

Recordo que temps enrere, concretament quan vaig estar estudiant a l’estranger, a vegades hem tocava explicar a la gent què volia dir que el Barça era “més que un club”, i bé, no ho justificava explicant que el Barça era un equip que havia guanyat molts títols, ni deia que era el Club que havia tingut els millors jugadors de la història del futbol (kubala, Cruyff, Maradona, Messi), ni deia que el Barça tenia un dels camps més grans del món.

Quan hem preguntàvem perquè el Barça era més que un club els hi explicava que el Barça era un dels pocs equips que no era Societat Anónima, sinó que els socis eren els propietaris i que cada un tenia una petita part del club. També explicava que el Barça no havia portat mai publicitat a la samarreta, i que tampoc havia acceptat ofertes milionàries com la de “Bet and Win”. Llavors explicava que feia poc, després de quasi cent anys d’història sense haver portat mai publicitat, el Barça acceptava portar a UNICEF al frontal, i no només sense cobrar diners sinó aportant capital a La Fundació. Sé que la meva explicació no era molt extensa però feia veure a la gent que el Barça marcava la diferencia en el món del futbol.

Ara quan em preguntin perquè el Barça és més que un club només podré dir la meitat de les coses que deia abans, ara que si em pregunten com és que un club com el Barça pot portar publicitat d’un país on no es respecten els Drets Humans y no hi ha llibertat d’expressió, suposo que els hi hauré de dir que tot té un preu, i que a tot arreu hi ha gent que es ven per 150 milions d’Euros.

Sandro Rosell va dir que Qatar no era Uzbekistan, és veritat, com que la Xina no és Corea del Nord.

diumenge, 3 d’octubre del 2010

The end of an Era

This was the Title of the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter the day after of the Swedish elections. This time something special has happen with the entrance in the Riksdag (Swedish Parliament) of the Sverigedemocraterna (SD), but also the win of the conservative coalition has made evidence the end of the socialdemocratic Era.

The consecutive victory of the coalition has been produced because of the suitable management of the Swedish welfare state that the conservatives have done. But this time the coalition has not got the luck of 2006 when she got the majority in the Parliament. This time she has come across with the issue that she does not control the majority of the seats, with the need to find some partner to make government, and if you join it with the fact that SD has got 20 seats turning them as the one who has the key of the government, you realise that there is an important problem in Riksdag.

Now is the time that the left coalition, and to be more precisely the Socialdemocratic Party, accept that he has not won the elections. During these lasts decades socialdemocatics have been building the Swedish welfare state, and they have done a very good work, and they have to keep working for it, so now is the time when conservatives and socialdemocratics have to form government to minimize the power of the SD in the Riksdag, and after it, they also have to wonder what have produced the rising of SD, perhaps it means that they have to make some changes.

dilluns, 20 de setembre del 2010


Yesterday took place the national Swedish elections, and Fredrik Reinfeldt (the head of the center-right coalition) won the elections.

First of all we have to congratulate the coalition for winning the elections again, after they won it in 2006 and they finished with the hegemony of the Social Democrats. We have to remind that the Conservatives won the elections because they promised “social policies”, which are more common between the lines of the Swedish Social Democrats, and we have to say that the Conservatives has passed the exam with a good mark.

However this time the Conservatives have not won with majority and sure that they will have to make some political pacts. We have to speak about the phenomenon of The Sweden Democrats, who has got around 20 seats in the Swedish Parliament. After the results one of the firsts words of the main political parties (the center-right coalition and The Social Democrats) were that they had not got any intention to pact with the racist party (Sweden Democrats), so it has opened a lot of ways of pacts (perhaps a pact between the Conservatives and the Green Party).

Anyway, what we have to analyze is the rising of the called “racist team”; I think that the other politicians cannot ignore the will of thousands of persons; I mean that if this team has got this results we have to look for why, 20 seats is not a chance. One of the causes of this result is the economic crises, which has hit the Swedish society despite the efforts of the government to avoid it. During this last decade a lot of immigrants have arrived in Europe and in Sweden too, and when the crises arrived, problems like unemployment appeared, and it hit the government because the taxes that it collected decreased, with the consequence that the public services became worse, and this is one of the main concerns of the Swedish people.

Immigration is a phenomenon that if you have, you have to accept it, and you have to try to integrate these people in the society, and at the same time the immigrants has the duty to make efforts to integrate in the new place that they have arrived.

In conclusion, the rising of parties like Sweden Democrats is not uncommon in Europe, and to avoid it we have to implant policies to regulate immigration, but never with the aim to discriminate. We have to control the immigration, although it seems quite difficult in a country where the 20% of the population are immigrants, and this is the case of Sweden, where can appear some racist parties if you don’t implant any serious policy to control de immigration.

dimecres, 1 de setembre del 2010

Where the ocean meets my hand

Since the day that I left that place, I have wished every day to return there, and after a year I have got my desire.

It was a Saturday afternoon and from the Flygbussarna (the bus that takes you in the airport and brings you to the city) we could see Stockholm, nice as always but cloudy and ready to rain. During the days before going to Sweden, I have to recognize that one of my main concerns was the weather, because it is said that august is the wettest month in Sweden. Despite the weather of Saturday, we were luckily and we had nice weather the rest of the days.

Is not the same Stockholm in winter than in august, and the majority of time that I lived in Sweden it was very cold and snowed. In summer people walk and sit on the streets. The Swedish people and some tourists too, are in the terraces of bars drinking some beer or soda.

Once our bus stopped in Cityterminalen we headed to our hostel, which was in Gamla Stan, the old city. We walked until Sergels Torg and after we walked through Drottninggatan, one of the most commercial streets of Stockholm that join Norrmalm with Gamla Stan. Our hostel was in Skeppsbron 22, and once we had arrived in Gamla Stan we walked around the Royal Castel to get to our street.

After several minutes we arrived in Skeppsbron (in Swedish, the ship’s bridge). In front of me I had the Best Hostel Skeppsbron and in my back I had the Baltic Sea, so I turned where the ocean meets the land and where the ocean meets my hand, where I could feel the Swedish’s winds blowing again.